While staying in the United States of America, researching as a visiting scholar at the University of Michigan, I was pleased to take English tutoring. It was courteous and very skillful instruction for improving my English skill level. Additionally, I tutored again during a second visit to the U.S. My work stepped up through Krista's assistance. I am thankful for KLCCommunication.
Sincerely, Fumio Goshi, PhD
Krista Osborne is an exceptional lady. She is the best English teacher that we have ever seen. She taught us many useful things for our lives, in English, for three years when we stayed in the U.S.A. Her lessons helped us improve our English conversation... we proudly recommend her as a teacher.
Masahiko Izumikawa, PhD and Miwa Izumikaws, PhD
As a visiting scholar from Aachen Germany, in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Krista assisted me with technical writing while I researched at the University of Michigan. Working as a team, my paper was accepted and published after merely four months in the U.S.A. Since that time, she has aptly assisted me with numerous writing projects and presentations. The frosting on the cake was the latest accepted presentation and paper at the 2008 SAE Conference in Detroit, Michigan.
Kiumars Jalali, Dipl.-Ing., PhD Candidate
While I was performing postdoctoral training at the University of Michigan Cancer Center, studying melanoma chemo-resistance, Krista helped me to improve my colloquial and scientific English. We shared great moments in Ann Arbor, Michigan together.
Yolanda Fernandez Amurgo, PhD
We both enjoyed very much the English classes with Krista. These classes not only helped us grasp the language but also taught us the American culture, religion, and skills in navigating through daily life in a new environment. We cherish dearly our lasting friendship with Krista even after 10 years.
Xiaoqin (Elaine) Li
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, University of Texas at Austin
Bin Hu, M.Eng.
Krista helped me prepare for my MBA interviews and definitely it worked well. She not only fixed my accent and pronunciation but also encouraged me to be self-confident.
Sunny Lee, Entrepreneur
During the course of the past year and a half it has been my privilege to work with Krista on a variety of editing projects. Having employed various individuals at different times to assist in editing of critical documents, I have found Krista's expertise the most invaluable. To date, we continue to work together on various projects of magnitude and importance, as she has made herself available, working arduously, enjoying her work. It gives me great satisfaction to recommend KLCCommunication. Krista's conscientious, versatile, innovative, and considerate services are highly recommended and respected among members of the Korean community due to faithfulness and dedication to people of all ethnicities and abilities.
Taehyung Kim, PhD, Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Michigan Dearborn
She is so amazing! When I met her 3 years ago in Ann Arbor, I was surprised because she understood my terrible English and with gentleness corrected me! She knew what I was going to say even if I only said one word. She knows how students want to be assisted. She has excellent English teaching skills as well as plenty of experiences. She always encourages people so that students can keep improving their English. I think this is real important in order to learn a foreign language. She gave me a lot of help when I tried to get a job in Manhattan, NY, as a Computer Programmer. She corrected my resume and gave me helpful advice. I believed that I could get a job very soon because of her hearty assistance.
YangRae Kime, Computer Programmer